Sunday, July 06, 2008

Slasher Pic

There's an internet-born genre called Slash Fiction. It consists of taking same-sex characters from TV series or movies and creating romantic and sexual narratives for them. From the X-Files, for example, there were many slash stories of an erotic relationship between Agent Fox Mulder and his boss, Assistant Director Skinner. Lots of classic rebellious boy/muscle daddy themes there.

Though most of the characters in these stories are males, most of the authors, it turns out, are females.

Anyway, I recently watched The Black Dahlia, a murder mystery set in 1940's Hollywood, with Josh Hartnett and Aaron Eckhart playing detective partners.

These two fellas, as show in the above pic, make fine fine fodder for slash.


Anonymous said...

My older sister is an enthusiastic yet arcane slash author and has written a number of stories of a more classical nature. Her specialty is Virgil/Dante. Those fellas had a lot more fun in those circles of Hell than you would know from that lousy old book They may have abandoned hope but they were busy embracing anything that came along.

Anonymous said...

How about Virgil and Zempone?

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