Wednesday, August 20, 2008

Just What I Was Thinking

It came to me recently that one way to put my disaffection with and resignation from the Democrat party is to note that it is The Party of Europe.

America-bashing is reflexive where I live and Europolatry is common. Europe (and this means Western Europe) is better and Europeans are better. In every way.

Looking at Democrat positions and values, most of what they are about is turning the USA into the European Union.

Oddly Eurocentric for the Party of Diversity and Inclusion. :)

Yankee patriot that I am, I am not a Know-Nothing. I see nothing wrong in adapting successful phenomena abroad to my native land. I don't reject Let's Make America Into Europe because Europe is foreign but because of what Europe has become and what it is likely to become.

Canada is well advanced in the process and some of it is not pretty at all.

Here's an article which says just what I was thinking. Smart fella!

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