Monday, January 19, 2009

Even Dolly Lamar finally gets it

Apparently the Dalai Lama, the cool and groovy Pope-replacement for the spiritual Left, has woken up to the fact that Muslim terrorism can't be addressed by ahimsa, harmlessness.

Wow. Dude. Musta taken a long retreat in the Himalayas to get you to that one.

Maybe the history of Buddhism's disappearance in northern India, where it arose, brought back some memories of what the jihad can do.

And apparently he stunned his audience by declaring that he loved George Bush even though he disagreed with some of his policies.


Here's a bunch of highminded folks all ready to meet Islamic thugs with non-violent compassion,
but the fact that their icon feels affection for George Bush stuns them.

There you have it. "Spiritual but not religious" in a nutshell.

It has been a regular experience of mine that people of that sort are very good at loving classes and masses but not so good with actual individual people.

Or reality.



Anonymous said...

Dear ex cathedra Blog:

You appear to have an exaggerated view of reality's positive attributes. Remember, reality produces most of the stress in the world.

Leah said...

As Charlie Brown famously said:
I love mankind,it's people I can't stand.

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