Thursday, February 18, 2010


I continue to drag my feet on DADT. Process, as usual. I'd like the military to come to more of an internal shift before the civilians impose yet another social engineering project on them, though this one is closer to my heart.

And I would love there to be a cohort of homosexual men who were publicly seen to be aspiring toward

Recently saw a trailer for a movie where an ex-military woman runs a program for women military who have been sexually assaulted. Part of my response was, You shouldn't have been there in the first place. What the hell did you expect?
A lot of my beef with liberalism is that it is so arrogantly inhuman and in fact hates actual human beings as we are.

It takes a lot of its perfectionism from Christianity, it's obsession with "should" and "ought", but it
utterly lacks the sense of tragedy, unavoidable failure, and compassion that good Christianity carries. It's like putting a saddle on a cat and then blaming the cat for not being a horse.


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