Wednesday, September 15, 2010


The second name of New York used to be Nueva York. Perhaps not anymore.

Two good things: on my way to have a drink with my sister and brother in law last night, I walked past a new gym opening up on 14th Street and an enthusiastic young staffer named Michael gave me a free pass. Nice. Plus, my brother has replaced the big couch in his guest room with an actual sofa bed, a big one. Nice.

Today: Starbuck's for coffee, take the dog for a walk, go to the gym, catch the bus out to the east end of Long Island to the little burg where my mom lives. Hoping any episodes of SV&U ---being Small, Venal and Uncharitable--will be rare. But Mom has already started in. On the phone she announced that this would be a working visit for me, cutting back on my gym trips so that I can cook. We'll see. Without those hours away, I might cooking more than vegetables.

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