Monday, October 11, 2010

Stepping in it

[Spot where ExCathedra 
would have inserted picture of 
someone stepping in poo, 
were it not for 
ExCathedra's exquisite sensitivities 
to his readers' sensitivities.]

NY Republican gubernatorial candidate Carl Paladino has stepped in it, into the poo of PC language. The discourse of "homophobia" now rules the so-called discussion. Like all the other phobias and isms, I find them much more useful as rhetorical weapons than as actual purveyors of meaning. But this is also the language of political campaigns, where tribal name-calling has almost always been the order of the day.

As a homosexual homophobe myself, I find the lingo amusing. As I told my ex Thom one night, about the only things I am sure that I like about gay men as a group is that they have sex with other men. The rest of it, not so sure! I am very fond of homosexuality, that is, homosexual sexual activity, but not so fond of the culture of homosexuals, the gay trinity of group victimism, feminist-driven dislike of actual real men, and de rigueur identification with the Democrat party and leftist groups in general.

Mr Paladino does not take kindly to having grade school kids being educated about homosexuality, he finds gay pride parades vulgar and offensive, does not think that equalizing same-sex relationships with opposite-sex ones through gay marriage is a good idea. He likes his gay nephew and would hire homos.

We report. You decide.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What upsets me is that the NYT didn't specify that candidate Cuomo did the right thing to take his little daughters to a pride parade that features men "grinding" each other as Paladino said. If the next generation of children grows up supposing that it's valid to be selective in what they affirm, I fear there's little if any hope for America as a civilization of progress and peace.

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