Tuesday, October 05, 2010

What a relief


Anonymous said...

the barb'd wire symbol they use is obviously unconsciously meant to indicate a guilty conscience.

Anonymous said...

it's the crown of thorns. barbed wire?

OreamnosAmericanus said...

Sure. Both. Groovy, no?

Anonymous said...

"the" crown of thorns? you think the United Methodists have the original crown of thorns? I don't think so!
(the First Anonymous)

P.S. A female United Methodist cleric used denominational surplus social justice (a denomination whose gtheological leadership has problematized the fatherhood of God because fathers are so heinour) funds to get heavily involved in the Elian Gonzalez case sending him back to Cuba over his mother's dead body. A white female journalist sneer'd heavily at the young woman in Miami who so wanted to take care of, be mother for, little Elian. (The United Methodist funds used in this case could have vaccinated a few villages in India vs river blindness, but getting involved in the at best highly ambiguous justice of sending Elian back to Cuba was more important for social justice. Methodist clerics have need of an unconsciously guilty conscience. QED)

Anonymous said...

Oh, I know: Castro's Cuba isn't totalitarian communist, rather more of a liberation theology agriculture collective, surrounded by barb'd wire/crown of thorns, for re-education by forced labour -- which people, e.g. Elian's mother, try to escape on bits of wood over the open seas to Florida. ... I swear if Castro had done the same policies but connected them ideologically to the corporatist notions of 1920s italian fascists, the same clerics would have insisted that Elian stay in Miami, and that the USA's economic embargo be maintain'd.

OreamnosAmericanus said...

Ceci n'est pas une couronne d'epines.

Anonymous said...

Are they promising they don't torture, or are they telling us not to torture?


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