Sunday, December 04, 2011

Taiwan Church

A Catholic church in Taiwan, all the standard images Sinified...Holy Trinity as three Sages, all-Chinese saints and angels and Last Supper (with chopsticks!), Tabernacle in pagoda house style. And this shot of the outside. Notable absence of a crucifix.

On another site, more outside view and, at bottom right, God the Father creating the world in seven days...Christ carrying the cross...and a row of saints...

*A curmudgeonly note. Christianity regularly permits or encourages the translation of the religion's images into local styles. We have a totally Chinese set of images here. We have African Jesus' etc.
None of which have a speck of historical truth to them. But they're OK. I wonder what would happen if, for example,  American Buddhists (who are almost all White, and largely Jewish) were to set up images of Buddha and his disciples, etc as Caucasians? Racist! Racist!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ilha Formosa portuguese for Beautiful Isle [Latin 'formosus -a -um. form, formal cause, Ham, genealogist of the Father. plus, in spanish: 'hermosa' suggesting hermeneutics. Yet what is most needful is a gennaios or vornehm genealogy including the genealogist, not only a fine, kalon, schoen genealogy]. Now, in Chines idiograms, America is signify'd "Beautiful Country." Taiwan ROC [roc, persian, dualist bird of prey. js7541] Catholic (Catholic Christianity, er hopes) Church the encounter of niCha and American know-nothing nihilism? ...

The crucifix must be brought by Islam? (Quran surah 25 the Furqan indicates that the upright Cross is the criterion: js6563 PhRQ fork, cross + js3651 KN standing). Furqam would indicate PhRQ + QWM raised js6965 cf 7311)

Just sayin' or leastwise just guessin'. But then I am a guessworker in your country.

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