Wednesday, June 13, 2012

Is and Ought

Liberals are obsessed with race and "culture". But they refuse to use the Occam's razor of  race and culture when it conflicts with their Prime Directive: replacing the historic dominant oppressor groups with new dominant victim groups. The therapeutic-managerial state and its allied cultural institutions both enact this program and indoctrinate the population in the rightness and the reality of the ideology.

It's the reality problem, of course, that always throw me. Liberalism is a giant example of the moralistic fallacy, of holding that something is the case because it ought to be the case. Universal egalitarianism is the prime example. It is the fundamental moral stance of liberalism, its functioning moral absolute, and it is manifestly a lie.

For liberalism, race and culture are sacred values when this sacrality serves the Prime Directive. Cultures are to be celebrated and protected, except for one: the so-called "dominant" culture and its racial fonts. Which means White culture. Which is Western culture.

Where racial or cultural phenomena oppose or invalidate the Directive, these truths are banned. They may not be spoken, and preferably may not be thought. To do so courts various kinds of sanctions, both social and legal. A society with engineered "equality"* of race, gender and class can only be enforced by a police state, no matter what it is called.

*A zero sum game in which winners must be made to lose so that losers can win.



Anonymous said...

Re: "A zero sum game in which winners must be made to lose so that losers can win."

Doesn't Darwin remove any possible objection here? All stuff that happens is random, and 'successful' or 'fit to ongo' stuff is whatever patterns are ongoing. Whatever happens is just or unjust because it happens.

Obviously 'politics' 'culture' 'religion' and even 'scientific research' are also random (scientific research is randomness or no-teleology conscious of itself). A politics or religion police state that "punish'd" success and "rewarded" failure would not be meaningfully or intelligibly different (neither more nor less just or unjust) from any other sort of politics or religion. Becomingness occurs. Stuff happens.

Oswald Spengler try'd to get the West to go under decades ago. Who knows why. Not that randomness needs to give an account of motives. Maybe he got a thrill out of the culture of pessimism. Darwin introduces crypto teleology into his scientific findings -- e.g. 'higher' and 'lower' developments. he thought it somehow sad that the profligate could outbreed the smart and disciplined.

But scientifically that doesn't matter, any more than that scientific research objects that the dinosaurs all perish'd because of a comet, or that kudzu monoculture displaces biodiversity. Auschwitz didn't matter. The starvation of kulak children and other enemies of the revolution didn't matter. Hiroshima didn't matter. etc.

So the only question is what we like in terms of cultural phenomena. If today's composers would feel better about themselves if all record of Mozart's music were destroy'd, then why not do it? Their feelings don't scientifically matter any more than the perpetuation of Mozart's music matters. But we may as well do what we like.

Professors of literature at Harvard presumably feel better about themselves vis-a-vis professors at lesser colleges, and so on down to the contemptibility of George Bush. But the penalty that they pay in their pride is that they must agree that they are culturally zilch compared with Shakespeare or Goethe. If all excellence is ruin'd, then the shame of being only a Harvard professor or a Nebraska State professor is removed. The only payment is that the possibility of despising the white Republican fundamentalist Creationist is also removed.

There's always going to be a coercive apparatus -- a 'police state' if you will. What's the problem if the police state engineers equality of results, rather than props up a set of privileges for the privileged, as Anglo-Saxony does but apparently other cultures are free from?

Why not appoint Robert Mugabe dictator of the EU? A fast sudden disaster upon disaster system might be more interesting journalistically and incomparably gratifying to anti-privilege activists, than the current slow-disaster arrangement. And in a Darwinian universe, disasters scientifically don't matter.

And this is 100% certain. Only total morons a.k.a. Creationists don't perceive the scientificness of the Darwinian randomness no teleology universe. God definitely doesn't even influence random events in evolution. Amanda Marcotte reproved this again in a recent op-ed article at

Anonymous said...


And Isa, when he was non-baptized, went up straightway out of the non-water: and, lo, the heavens were opened unto him, and he saw breath of Allah descending like a dove, and lighting upon him. And lo a voice from heaven, saying, Don't tell me that Allah has a son.

Anonymous said...

It goes without saying that creationism held by blacks, American Indians and Hispanics doesn't alarm Marcotte. Only when it obstructs 'bigger' (more persian dualist fate for the table) dreams in whites with 'racial resentments' does the fundamentalist Bible endanger American higher man (ressentiment: the re-essencing? of higher man's ideals by uppity low-class white Selfs who can't agree that white higher man is correct in his contempt for white lower-man).

By abolishing 'the slave revolt in morality' in Canaan Japheth within the tents of Shem, Islam presumably provides the solution for the problem that anti-creationist activism can't solve. ...

»Without evolution, biology actually doesn't make sense, and instead it's just an anatomy class <"making sense" vs scientia sc the revelation of the line of karmic causation in the great chain o' being, from first for us to first in itself>. Dissecting cats and labeling pictures of flowers is passing the time , and not really education .

Anonymous said...

It goes without saying that creationism held by blacks, American Indians and Hispanics doesn't alarm Marcotte. Only when it obstructs 'bigger' (more persian dualist fate for the table) dreams in whites with 'racial resentments' does the fundamentalist Bible endanger American higher man (ressentiment: the re-essencing? of higher man's ideals by uppity low-class white Selfs who can't agree that white higher man is correct in his contempt for white lower-man).

By abolishing 'the slave revolt in morality' in Canaan Japheth within the tents of Shem, Islam presumably provides the solution for the problem that anti-creationist activism can't solve. ...

»Without evolution, biology actually doesn't make sense, and instead it's just an anatomy class <"making sense" vs scientia sc the revelation of the line of karmic causation in the great chain o' being, from first for us to first in itself>. Dissecting cats and labeling pictures of flowers is passing the time , and not really education .«

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