Sunday, August 12, 2012

Even if

...Romney and Ryan become the new Executive for the US, that will not mean Everything Is OK. If the Democrats retain Senate control, we'll have deadlock. And suddenly it will be patriotic to be The Party of No.

But more deeply, the culture and the demographics remain problematic. And economies are hugely complex systems, hooked into global systems beyond our control.

It would mean we have time to slow down the slide a bit. But I am not assuming that it would turn the tide. Twenty five years later, what is left of the "Reagan Revolution?"

And if Obama (and Biden!) get re-elected, --which would not surprise me--then my sense will be that "America" has transmogrified into something discontinuous with its past, no longer identical. I suspect that others have felt similarly in the past. After the Lincoln Administration. Certainly after FDR's New Deal.

Barring some unexpected turn of events --and isn't that sorta the definition of turn of events?-- the Civil Cold War will continue and will get increasingly hot.

Liberty as limited government and justice as group equality are incompatible values. 

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