Sunday, April 28, 2013


Finally my role as a politico-cultural commentator is being recognized.

For years now, my most popular posts have been pictures of men deshabilles. Now one of my gems of insight about the confluence of language and European high politics has surged head, reaching almost 10,000 views in the last few months.

Here it is.

Does this mean that the cyberworld is maturing at last?



Anonymous said...

I started giggling uncontrollably when I first found this. Priceless. I'll have to be careful where I use it, my priest uncle studied in Italy for several years, and is quite fluent. The look I would get, coming from a man who takes 1 Cor. 6:19 very seriously, would be terrifying.


OreamnosAmericanus said...

Roman Catholic that I am --as it were-- I had to look up the citation.

I always thought that the Protestant fixation with memorizing Bible citatations was funny. The best guy of all is Jack Van Impe and his wife Rexella. Only in America.

Anonymous said...

That one was on the wall of the locker rooms at my high school. That's why I know it. I've been taking it to heart in the past few months as well.

The Protestant obsession with memorizing Scripture is odd, but perhaps no odder than Catholics knowing stories from the apocryphal gospels (betrothal of Mary, anyone?)

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