Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Returning conquered lands

The Muslim Brotherhood wants Spain back. Can the Christians have Egypt in exchange? – Telegraph Blogs:

Yes, what date will be the universal reset button where things go back to where they were before bad things happened?

Every time I hear a White American confess his guilt at stealing North America from the Indians, I wonder about how many Turks feel bad about taking Asia Minor from the Greeks.

Crickets chirp.

You know who lands belong to? The people with the balls to hold them.

'via Blog this'


Anonymous said...

Reminds me of a debate I had with a liberal friend. he said we should give independence to our territories. I responded that we most certainly would- if they ever asked for it. When I needled him if a majority of the citizens of any American territory had petitioned for independence, he replied "Screw you" and walked away. Conservatives: 1, Liberals: 0 :)


OreamnosAmericanus said...

They don't like to be needled. Or disagreed with :)

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