Monday, June 03, 2013

After Earth

Film Review: After Earth - Film Reviews - Detroit Metro Times:

A vanity project, with nepotism and M Night Shyamalan. What could go wrong?

And the increasingly wearing-thin Will Smith. His son, by the way, is talentless.

At least Morgan Freeman isn't in it.

(Thank God I didn't pay any money to see this.)

'via Blog this'

It is essentially a father-son drama between two Black males. I wonder what it's like for all the fatherless Black men to watch.



Anonymous said...

I'm astonished that Shyamalan is still making movies. Good Lord, the man had one good movie. And no, Signs was not it. That movie was an illogical mess, I don't know why so many people think it's good.


OreamnosAmericanus said...

Why do some director's require that their names be prominent, even seeming part of the title? Shyamalan is one. And aside from The Village, everything else has been junk. Does he get some special Indian privilege?

Tyler Perry is another.

But you didn't see ads for "David Lean's Lawrence of Arabia." Maybe it's just ego. But then Hollywood is nothing if not ego.

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