Thursday, June 20, 2013

Ms Coulter opines

Ann Coulter: U.S. ‘finished’ if amnesty passes:

It's just a matter of time.

I like the idea of desecrating Ted Kennedy's grave.

After the restoration of the British monarchy in 1660, Oliver Cromwell's remains were dug up and hung in chains at Tyburn, while the living commissioners involved in the death of King Charles I were hung, drawn and quartered.

Sounds good to me.

'via Blog this'


Anonymous said...

One of my chief prayer intentions over the past year has been, "Lord, save this country. But if that is not your will, than burn it to the ground, and let something far greater and more glorious rise from the ashes, and let it last for a thousand years." I fear He may be answering that latter intention. Brace yourself, America. I think things are about to get bumpy.


Unknown said...

The commissioners were hung? Weren't they actually hanged? Or were they hung too? Any more pictures?

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