Thursday, July 11, 2013

Oooooooh, no he di'n't!

Bill O’Reilly Says U.S. Crime High Because Of “Young Black Men” | Breaking News for Black America:


Check the stats. Over 50% of crime in America is perpetrated by 3% of the population.

'via Blog this'


Anonymous said...

Welcome to the party, Bill. Sorry there isn't much left.

In all seriousness, I see O'Reilly as representative of the reasonable segment of the population. Just as his initial warm feelings towards Obama dissipated to thinly-veiled contempt, so has much of the country turned on the Anointed One. So it's safe to say that much of the country now sees blacks as a major source of its violent crime problem. What they do with the realization, I don't know.

What is it with this country and letting small, even negligible, percentages of the population send everything to hell in a hand basket?


Anonymous said...

I agree totally with your assessment of liberalism- but are you referring to social liberalism, the bastard child of social democracy, or classical liberalism, the Enlightenment ideas this country is built on? Or both? The latter is probably my core political philosophy, but it is tempered by a big, heaping portion of British-style conservatism: if it ain't broke, don't you dare touch it! Various political quizzes have judged me as a libertarian conservative or a conservative libertarian. Idealism on the one hand, cynicism on the other. Sounds a bit like you, Ex. :)

As the country begins to confess to itself the self-evident and inconvenient truths of its enslavement to victim minorities, and the general wretchedness of these minorities, will people reject the views and mindset that lead to the current situation? And if so, how violently?


OreamnosAmericanus said...

Classical liberalism is dead. Only libertarians believe in it.

What I mean by liberalism is the current reigning variety. Details on the upper left side of the blog.

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