Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Case in point

A Galling Betrayal | National Review Online:

For ExC's foreign policy dictum: We may go to war against Muslims but never, never, for Muslims.

They will always stab us in the back.

'via Blog this'


Anonymous said...

My recent excursion into the land of the Dark Enlightenment has convinced me that the War on Terror is little more than a neo-imperialist venture under the guise of a defensive war. Liberalism, of which "compassionate conservatism" is an unwitting form, can't stand the thought of any corner of the world not accepting its creed. So it took the excuse of 9/11 and planned to invade the entire region and puppet each and every one of them. However, our little puppets haven't been cooperating, and the American people and the military has been reluctant to go on another adventure, this time in Syria.

Hopefully we learn our lesson. But then, we need to learn our lesson about a great many things.


OreamnosAmericanus said...

What would have been your course of action in response to 9/11?

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