Tuesday, April 15, 2014

White America is Toast

Report: Immigration is making the US blue | The Daily Caller:

Whole Wheat toast.

'via Blog this'

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

That may be so, but the Millennials are forsaking the Democrats in droves, despite the fact that that generation is over 40% nonwhite. I have been a little ahead of the curve on this, but more and more 18-33 year-olds are realizing that the Democrats and Republicans are little more than palette swaps. The youthful enthusiasm over Barack Odoacer has turned to bitter and cynical disillusionment, and Millennials are very skeptical of the government's ability to help people. Oh, and we are the most distrustful generation in years.

The Democrats may well lose the Millennials, but the Republicans are unlikely to reap the benefits unless they start electing the limited-government advocates like Ted Cruz and Rand Paul.


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